SURVIVAL ON DURO _ narration part1:

SURVIVAL ON DURO _ narration
" Earth ; The wonderful paradise of
living beings which consists of
lakhs of crores secrets and
welfares of livin resources"
yet the sceince not satisfied with
the earth the sceincetists decided
to test a new destiny where they
planned to import a vast area of
living and extensive location than
the earth called space...
Space the name reffered to a
prolonged universe that consists of
planets , stars , Asteroids and
some more galaxies.

On earlier days , the sciencetists
from different countries were
defined each of their discovers of
space as theoritical proofs...
all those theories are still amazing
about the origin and terminals of
the universe the area consists lots
of empty spaces...
Later they collected all theories
and procedures towards space
science from various scientists
later by later all the countries
united on this era of space
research , formed an association
shortly named as ITSRO
{international technical and space
research organisation} to update
and survey about space actions etc
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